Research Article

Measurement of Prosocial Reasoning among Chinese Adolescents

Table 2

Correlation between the Chinese PROM and the C-IRI (measure of empathy and related constructs) ( 𝑁 = 5 0 ).

PROM scales and subscalesChinese C-IRI subscales
Fantasy scaleEmpathy scalePersonal Distress scale

Hedonistic.55 **−.78 **.61 **
Needs oriented−.71 **.72 **−.72 **
Approval oriented.68 **−.76 **.69 **
Stereotypic−.67 **.77 **−.65 **
Internalized−.78 **.92 **−.82 **
PROM weighted overall−. 77 **.92 **−.80 **

* 𝑃 < . 0 5 , ** 𝑃 < . 0 1 .