Research Article

Fluorescence-Based Rapid Detection of Microbiological Contaminants in Water Samples

Table 3

Linearity, range and limit of quantification results obtained with the Milliflex Quantum method: analysis done using data generated for the accuracy testing of the Milliflex Quantum method, comparison between fluorescence and viability results ( 𝑛 = 1 0 ).

MicroorganismLinearityRange (CFU)Limit of Quantification (CFU)
Fluorescence 𝑅 2 -valueFluorescence linear regression slopeViability 𝑅 2 -valueViability linear regression slopeFluorescenceViabilityFluorescence lowest count meanViability lowest count meanLowest mean count with compendial method

Candida albican
ATCC 10231
0.981.020.981.010 to 1630 to 161777
Aspergillus brasiliensis
ATCC 16404
0.951.090.961.100 to 1240 to 12010109
Bacillus subtilis ATCC 66330.961.160.960.970 to 1210 to 97666
Escherichia coli ATCC 87390.951.060.961.020 to 1200 to 114445

ATCC, American Type Culture Collection; CFU, Colony-forming unit.