Review Article

LDL-Apheresis: Technical and Clinical Aspects

Table 1

Extracorporeal methods for elimination of LDL cholesterol [1].


1967De Gennes et al. [2]PlasmapheresisQuick and well-tolerated elimination of pathologic substancesUnselectivity, danger of infection, bleeding, and risks of human albumin
1975Thompson et al. [3]Plasmapheresis
1980Agishi et al. [4]Cascade filtrationSemiselectivityDanger of infection and low effectiveness
1981 Stoffel and Demant [5]ImmunoadsorptionSelectivity, effectiveness, regeneration, and reusabilityExpensive technology
1983 Borberg et al. [6]Immunoadsorption
1983 Wieland and Seidel [7]Heparin-induced LDL precipitation (HELP)Selectivity and effectivenessExpensive technology
1985 Nose et al. [8]ThermofiltrationSelectivity and effectivenessOutdated technology, behavior of macromolecules under heat unknown and not available
1985Antwiller et al. [9]Dextransulfate-induced LDL precipitationSelectivity and effectivenessExpensive technology and not available
1987Mabuchi et al. [10]Dextransulfate LDL adsorption (liposorber-LA 15)Selectivity and effectivenessExpensive technology
1993Bosch et al. [11]LDL hemoperfusion (DALI)Selectivity, effectiveness, and simple technologyUnknown
2003Otto et al. [12]LDL hemoperfusion (liposorber D)Selectivity, effectiveness, and simple technologyUnknown