Research Article

Electrochemical Behavior and Determination of Rutin on Modified Carbon Paste Electrodes

Table 1

Potentials of anodic ( 𝐸 𝑝 𝑎 ) and cathodic ( 𝐸 𝑝 𝑐 ) peak (versus Ag/AgCl, 1 M KCl), peak separation ( Δ 𝐸 𝑝 ), anodic peak current ( 𝑖 𝑎 , the average from seven repeated measurements, standard deviation SD) and ratio of cathodic to anodic peak current ( 𝑖 𝑐 / 𝑖 𝑎 ) of 0.1 mM rutin at the paraffin/graphite (CPE), paraffin/iron-phthalocyanine/graphite (IP/CPE) and [hmim][Tf2N]/graphite (IL/CPE) electrodes (scan rate 100 mV s−1).

𝐸 p a (mV) 𝐸 p c (mV) Δ 𝐸 𝑝 (mV) 𝑖 𝑎 ± S D (μA) 𝑖 𝑐 / 𝑖 𝑎

CPE42936366 2 . 2 ± 0 . 0 2 0.65
IP/CPE42736760 1 . 6 ± 0 . 0 2 0.76
IL/CPE450318132 2 1 . 5 ± 0 . 3 2 0.66