Research Article

Plankton Microorganisms Coinciding with Two Consecutive Mass Fish Kills in a Newly Reconstructed Lake

Figure 3

(a) Phylogenetic tree of relationships of 18S rDNA (ca. 1800 bp) of the representative unique (grouped on ≥98% similarity) eukaryotic clones (in bold) of the taxa Fungi, Choanoflagellata, Mesomycetozoea, Katablepharidophyta, and Cryptophyta, found in the Lake Karla water column, March 2010, based on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. GenBank numbers are shown in parentheses. Numbers in parentheses indicate the relative abundance in the clone library. Scale bar represents 2% estimated. (b) Phylogenetic tree of relationships of 18S rDNA (ca. 1800 bp) of the representative unique (grouped on ≥98% similarity) eukaryotic clones (in bold) of the taxa Chlorophyta, Haptophyta, and Heterokontophyta (stramenopiles), found in the Lake Karla water column, March 2010, based on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. GenBank numbers are shown in parentheses. Numbers in parentheses indicate the relative abundance in the clone library. Scale bar represents 2% estimated. (c) Phylogenetic tree of relationships of 18S rDNA (ca. 1800 bp) of the representative unique (grouped on ≥98% similarity) eukaryotic clones (in bold) of the taxa Cercozoa, Alveolata and Euglenophyta, found in the Lake Karla water column, March 2010, based on the neighbour-joining method as determined by distance Jukes-Cantor analysis. One thousand bootstrap analyses (distance) were conducted. GenBank numbers are shown in parentheses. Numbers in parentheses indicate the relative abundance in the clone library. Scale bar represents 2% estimated.