Research Article

TNF-α Promotes IFN-γ-Induced CD40 Expression and Antigen Process in Myb-Transformed Hematological Cells

Figure 1

The effect of cytokine treatment on CD40-expression in MTHCs. (a) The FACS results show CD40-positive cells (%) after the 3 cytokine treatments or cotreatments at different doses. The doses for IFN-γ (IFN), TNF-α (TNF), and IL-4 treatment alone were as labeled. For TNF-α co-treatment with IFN-γ and IL-4, TNF-α dose was 200 units/mL and IFN-γ and IL-4 doses were as labeled. The data were the mean ± SE from 3 separate experiments after 48 hours of treatment. (b) The diagrams show the dot plot analysis of the results from above treatments. Negative: the antibody isotype control. GM: GM-CSF alone. (c) shows the FACS histogram analysis of fluorescent intensity for GM + IL-4 + TNF-α (IL-4 +TNF) and GM + IFN-γ + TNF-α (IFN+TNF) groups in (b). Negative: the antibody isotype control.