Research Article

Computational Methods to Work as First-Pass Filter in Deleterious SNP Analysis of Alkaptonuria

Table 2

List of SNPs that were predicted to be functional significance by FASTSNP.

SNPs IDAllele frequency and changeRegionPossible functional effectRanking and Level of risk

rs7652072A/G (No frequency)IntronSplicing site3-4 (Medium to high)
rs55661952C/T (No frequency)5′UTR (−201A>G)Promoter/regulatory region1–3 (Low to medium)
rs2733829C/T (No frequency)5′UTR (−339C>T)Promoter/regulatory region1–3 (Low to medium)
rs28942100C/T (No frequency)nsSNP (P230S)Missense (conservative)2-3 (Low to medium)
rs28941783A(0.000)/G(1.000)nsSNP (G161R)Missense (conservative); Splicing regulation2-3 (Low to medium)
rs35702995A(0.996)/C(0.004)nsSNP (E87A) Missense (conservative); Splicing regulation2-3 (Low to medium)
rs2255543A(0.514)/T(0.700)nsSNP (Q80H)Missense (conservative); Splicing regulation2-3 (Low to medium)
rs2293734G/T (No frequency)csSNP (P158P)Sense/synonymous; Splicing regulation2-3 (Low to medium)

SNP IDs which were highlighted in bold were found to be deleterious by SIFT, PANTHER, PolyPhen and I-Mutant 2.0.