Research Article

Identification of Xylem Occlusions Occurring in Cut Clematis (Clematis L., fam. Ranunculaceae Juss.) Stems during Their Vase Life

Figure 5

Histochemical identification of protein components and extensins in xylem occlusions in stems of Clematis “Solidarność” by using Bradford reagent and Jim11 antibody. (a) and (b) Identification of protein components in xylem of control stems (a), stems kept in distilled water (b), (c) and (d) identification of extensins in xylem of stems kept in distilled water (c) and 8HQC + 2% sucrose (d). p: pith, pr: pith rays, ph: phloem, arrow: xylem vessel, *: blocked xylem lumen, e: endodermis.