Clinical Study

Human Papillomavirus Is Associated with Breast Cancer in the North Part of Iran

Table 1

The characteristics of study subjects and prevalence of HPV DNA status in breast cancer patients and noncancer controls.

ParameterCasesa ( 𝑁 = 7 9 )Controlsa ( 𝑁 = 5 1 ) 𝑃 -value

Age (year ± SD) 4 7 . 7 7 ± 1 2 . 5 5 2 3 4 . 2 0 ± 9 . 7 0 4 ≤0.0001 ( 𝑡 -test)

HPV 𝟎 . 𝟎 𝟎 𝟐
 Positive15 (25.9)b1 (2.4) 𝐎 𝐑 𝟏 𝟑 . 𝟗 𝟓 𝟑
 Negative43 (74.1)40 (97.6)(95% CI 1.762–110.526)

HPV genotype (% within type)
 HPV-1241 (6.25)1 (100)
 HPV-232 (12.5)
 HPV-184 (25)
 HPV-164 (25)
 HPV-151 (6.25)
 HPV-111 (6.25)
 HPV-62 (12.5)
 Unknown1 (6.25)

HPV genotype (% within subjects)
 High-risk type8 (14)00.005
 Low-risk type6 (10.5)1 (2.4)
 Negative43 (75.5)40 (97.6)

HPV genotype (% within subjects)
 Mucosal type11 (19)00.002
 EV-cutaneous type4 (6.9)1 (2.4)
 Negative43 (74.1)40 (97.6)

Tumor type (% within tumor type)
 IDC67 (84.8)
 ILC8 (10.1)
 IDC-ILC mix1 (1.3)
 MC2 (2.5)
 DC1 (1.3)

aSome of the subjects have been considered as missing value after quality examination of nucleic acid extraction.
bNumbers in parentheses are percentages.