Research Article

Total Flavonoids Content in the Raw Material and Aqueous Extractives from Bauhinia monandra Kurz (Caesalpiniaceae)

Table 3

t-test for effects of factors on the method response for drug and extractive solution from leaves of B. monandra.

Source 𝑡 ( D r u g ) 𝑡 ( E x t r a c t i v e s )

AlCl3 (linear)23.38*0.83
AlCl3 (quadratic)−11.48*−0.80
Time (linear)40.68*−1.90
Time (quadratic)−1.53−2.40
Interaction (time × AlCl3)6.19−0.80

*Significant for 𝛼 = 0 . 0 5 .