Clinical Study

Aortic Stiffness, Left Ventricle Hypertrophy, and Homogeneity of Ventricle Repolarization in Adult Dialyzed Patients

Table 5

Aortic stiffness index cut-off value of >5,67 versus VCG parameters.

ParameterHD groupCAPD group
ASI < 5,67ASI > 5,67 𝑃 ASI < 5,67ASI > 5,67 𝑃

QRS- 𝑇 a n g l e (°)43,53 (±9,62)38,19 (±9,61)0,00837,21 (±9,91)32,12 (±7,19)0,001
𝑇 e l e v (°)65,72 (±8,93)59,94 (±9,22)<0,00163,12 (±9,03)55,85 (±10,1)<0,001
𝑇 a z (°)44,65 (±10,04)43,98 (±9,52)NS39,56 (±8,67)39,18 (±9,71)NS