Research Article

Predictors of Effects of Lifestyle Intervention on Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 Patients

Table 2

Sample characteristics before intervention ( 𝑁 = 1 4 3 ).

Group of variablesVariableOutcomes in means (SD)*or %

Age58.2 (9.65)
 Other nationalities 9.1
Civil status
Sociodemography With partner66.4
Job situation
 In job39.9
 Out of job 7.0
 High school/special technical44.8
 Grammar school/university55.2

Alcohol units per weekMedian 2.0 (IQR 1.0–7.0)
Smoking status
Lifestyle Never smokers36.4
 Quit smokers44.0
Median 6.5
Exercising hours per week(IQR 4.0–11.8)

BMI32.5 (6.27)
General healthWaist circumference108.8 (14.90)
Blood pressure systolic/diastolic147.7/84.7 (17.36/9.62)

6-minute walk test in meters ( 𝑁 = 6 8 )524.8 (112.54)
General functioningSFT st in times per 30 seconds16.1 (4.28)
SFT 2.45 in seconds5.2 (1.42)

HbA1c in %7.9 (0.84)
Cholesterol in mmol/L4.8 (1.05)
Disease-specific functioningLDL in mmol/L2.7 (0.95)
HDL in mmol/L1.2 (0.34)
Triglycerides in mmol/L2.3 (1.52)

SF 36—physical functioning80.6 (19.98)
SF 36—physical role functioning72.5 (35.82)
SF 36—bodily pain80.0 (23.78)
SF 36—general health perception64.0 (19.67)
SF 36—vitality60.0 (23.64)
General and disease-specific health-related quality of lifeSF 36—social role functioning87.5 (21.13)
SF 36—emotional role functioning75.90 (35.85)
SF 36—mental health78.0 (18.70)
SF 36—physical component merged74.9 (19.76)
SF 36—mental component merged75.1 (20.72)
DSC-R1.0 (0.62)

Health care professional taking care of diabetes
 General practitioner74.8
History of the disease and its treatmentLength of diabetes in years6.6 (6.43)
Having eye check in the past year64.3
Having foot check in the past year63.6
Having urine check in the past year67.8

Abbreviations: N: sample size; SD: standard deviation, unless otherwise indicated; IQR: interquartile range for not normally distributed outcomes.