Clinical Study

Arrhythmias following Revascularization Procedures in the Course of Acute Myocardial Infarction: Are They Indicators of Reperfusion or Ongoing Ischemia?

Table 5

Association between the occurrence of reperfusion arrythmias and ST segment regression in primary PCI and thrombolytic treatment groups.

TreatmentST segment regressionReperfusion arrythmias (in the first 48 hours)
(%) (%)

Primary PCI<50%10 (22.2%)1 (11.1%)0.450
>50%35 (77.8%)8 (88.9%)

Thrombolytic <50%40 (46.5%)10 (90.9%)0.006 *
>50%46 (53.5%)1 (9.1%)

PCI: percutaneous coronary intervention, : number of patients.
Chi-square test was performed to analyse data. *Values of indicate statistically significant data.