Research Article

A Fuzzy Logic Enhanced Environmental Protection Education Model for Policies Decision Support in Green Community Development

Table 1

Criteria jointly agreed by experts.

Each criterionContent

Performances activitiesParticipation of the community residents in action performance, experience/suggestion sharing, watching environmental protection promotion films, and other methods of interactive learning/teaching.

Energy-saving public facilityEducation about energy-saving public facilities in the community, such as energy efficient design, solar electric systems, use of energy-saving materials, automatic street lamp monitoring, water, energy saving devices, and Plain Afforestation Policy (Carbon Sequestering).

Energy-saving familyEducation about what a family can do to achieve energy conservation and environmental protection, such as family planting, economical use of natural energy resources, use of water-saving/energy-saving household appliances, resource recovery, and reduction of household waste production.

Problem based learningAccording to the Delphi experts in this study, environmental protection education is cross-disciplinary; therefore, an environmental protection organization must be established in the community to access and integrate the cross-disciplinary specialty of all its community residents in detecting and solving the related problems in the community. Through their long-term participation and problem-solving practices, all the residents can learn the latest cross-disciplinary knowledge about environmental protection.