Research Article

Attribute Index and Uniform Design Based Multiobjective Association Rule Mining with Evolutionary Algorithm

Pseudocode 2

Pseudocode of calculating the support count.
SUPRule(rul, Idx): calculate the support count of a rule.
Input: rul indicates an association rule; Idx indicates the
       attribute indices of each attribute.
Output: SUP1, SUP2, and SUP3 indicate the support count of
     the antecedent, the consequent and the rule,
the antecedent of rul, the consequent of rul;
 SUP1 Call SUPItem( , Idx);
 SUP2 Call SUPItem( , Idx);
 SUP3 Call SUPItem( , Idx);
return SUP1, SUP2, SUP3;
SUPItem(Iset, Idx): calculate the support count of an itemset.
Input: Iset indicates an itemset; Idx indicates the attribute
       indices of each attribute.
Output: the support count of Iset.
  same ;
  for each item Iset in Iset
   same same Idx( );
  end for
  num ;
  return num;