Research Article

Alginate Encapsulation of Begonia Microshoots for Short-Term Storage and Distribution

Figure 2

Percentages of encapsulated microshoots (synthetic seeds) and nonencapsulated microshoots of two Begonia cultivars “germinating” (developing successfully) after storage and subsequent transfer to substrate (MS medium (in vitro) or peat pellets (ex vitro)). Encapsulated microshoots were exposed to CaCl2·H2O after encapsulation, whereas nonencapsulated microshoots served as a control for this factor. Medium and storage duration were highly influential in significant interaction terms; therefore, analyses of cultivar ((a) and (b)), CaCl2·H2O exposure duration ((c) and (d)), and storage temperature ((e) and (f)) were conducted for each combination of medium and storage duration. Cultivar, CaCl2·H2O exposure duration, and storage temperature factors showed no significant interactions; therefore, means shown (dots) in each subfigure are averages over the other two factors. Means for a specific storage duration (vertical pairs or trios) within each figure are significantly different ( ) when labeled with “a” and “b,” or not significantly different when labeled with “ns.” The Schaffer-Simulated method was used for multiple mean comparisons.