Research Article

Autism in Toddlers: Can Observation in Preschool Yield the Same Information as Autism Assessment in a Specialised Clinic?

Table 3

Agreement between ADOS and preschool observation findings (module 1, ; module 2, ). Number of higher score in each type of observation is described.

Domains AgreementADOS higherPreschool higher valueWeighted Kappa

 Frequency of vocalization directed to others2417 (71%)4 (17%)3 (13%)1.00000.33
 Amount of social overtures1610 (63%)5 (31%)1 (6.3%)0.21880.35
 Stereotyped/idiosyncratic use of words or phrases4028 (70%)4 (10%)8 (20%)0.38770.43
 Use of others body to communicate2413 (54%)7 (29%)4 (17%)0.54880.26
 Conversation169 (56%)2 (13%)5 (31%)0.45310.38
 Pointing4024 (60%)10 (25%)6 (15%)0.45450.52
 Gestures4023 (58%)9 (23%)8 (20%)1.00000.44
Reciprocal social interaction
 Unusual eye contact4032 (80%)4 (10%)4 (10%)1.00000.56
 Facial expressions directed to others4025 (63%)6 (15%)9 (23%)0.60720.53
 Shared enjoyment in interaction2412 (50%)3 (13%)9 (38%)0.14600.21
 Showing2415 (63%)6 (25%)3 (13%)0.50780.41
 Spontaneous initiation of joint attention4026 (65%)12 (30%)2 (5.0%)0.01290.57
 Response to joint attention2413 (54%)4 (17%)7 (29%)0.54880.42
 Quality of social overtures4025 (63%)4 (10%)11 (28%)0.11850.47
 Quality of social response167 (44%)2 (13%)7 (44%)0.1797−0.07
 Amount of reciprocal social communication1610 (63%)3 (19%)3 (19%)1.00000.33
 Overall quality of rapport168 (50%)3 (19%)5 (31%)0.72660.35
Play and imagination
 Functional play with objects2415 (63%)4 (17%)5 (21%)1.00000.43
 Imagination/creativity4026 (65%)8 (20%)6 (15%)0.79050.57
Stereotyped behaviours and restricted interests
 Unusual sensory interest in play material/person4030 (75%)6 (15%)4 (10%)0.75390.14
 Hand and finger and other complex mannerism4026 (65%)6 (15%)8 (20%)0.79050.51
 Unusual repetitive interests or stereotyped behaviours4022 (55%)8 (20%)10 (25%)0.81450.42

The comparison data is presented as (%).
The values are calculated using a Sign test.