Research Article

Promising Noninvasive Cellular Phenotype in Prostate Cancer Cells Knockdown of Matrix Metalloproteinase 9

Figure 7

Immunohistochemical detection of CD44v6 (a) and (b), CD44s (c) and (d), and MMP9 (e) and (f) in normal (a), (c), and (e) and adenocarcinoma (grade 2-3; (b), (d), and (f)) sections of representative prostate tissues from a tissue microarray: immunostained sections (brown) with indicated antibody above were counterstained with hematoxylin stain (blue). Note the intense immunopositivity of basal epithelial membrane of epithelial cells in normal gland (indicated by arrows in (a’)). Magnification is 50× in (a)–(f). Location of the high magnification (200×) regions shown in (a’)–(f’) is indicated by a rectangle field in (a)–(f). The staining was repeated thrice with similar results.