Research Article

Comparative Analysis and Systematic Mapping of the Labial Sensilla in the Nepomorpha (Heteroptera: Insecta)

Figure 19

Types and sizes of the sensilla of the Naucoridae: Cheirochelinae ((a)–(e), Cheirochela feana, (f)–(i), Gestroiella limnocoroides). (a) PES are numerous and distributed evenly on the IV segment (dorsal view), PES are present only in the distal area of the III segment, CH3 are less numerous and distributed over the II segment (dorsally and ventrally), and COS are situated on segment II (dorsal view). (b) PAS2 (no. 1–14) are distributed over SFL and SFR; TRS1 (three) are visible only ventrally (V) (the first specimen). (c) TRS1 (nine) and TRS2 (one) are distributed ventrally (V) near the apex of segment IV (the second specimen), and PES are numerous. (d) TRS1 are distributed in two tufts (2 + 3) on the distal edge of the III segment, and several PES are visible near the TRS1. (e) CH3 are sparsely distributed over segment II; several PES are visible on the III segment (ventral view). (f) PES are numerous and distributed evenly over the IV segment, TRS2 (four) are distributed separately (3 + 1) on the distal edge of the III segment, several PES are visible near TRS1, CH3 are less numerous and distributed over the II segment, and COS are situated on segments IV and II (ventral view). (g) TRS1 (three) and TRS2 (two) are distributed ventrally (V) near the apex of segment IV. (h) TRS2 and COS magnified. (i) PAS2 (no. 1–14) are distributed over SFL and SFR.