Research Article

Reinforcement Learning Based Artificial Immune Classifier

Pseudocode 1

The pseudocode of clonal selection algorithm.
(1) Ag determination antigen set
(2) k the number of steps, population size
(3)  the number of antibody for cloning
(4)  the number of low similarity elements for end of iteration
(5) P, randomly production of sized population
(6)  ;
(7) While do
(8)   similarity (P, Ag)  computation between antibody and antigen
(9)     Selection(P, ) //selection of best antibody for cloning
(10)   C  Cloning(P1, Similarity(P1)) //clones from P1
(11)     Mutation(C, Similarity(C)) //Mutation for C by similarity
(12)   Similarity(C1, Aj)  similarity between clone set(C1) and antigen
(13)   M  Selection(C1)
(14)   P  Displacement(P, )
  End while