Research Article

A Novel Complex Valued Cuckoo Search Algorithm

Algorithm 2

Pseudo code of the plurality cuckoo search (PCS).
Complex-valued Cuckoo search via Lévy flight algorithm:
  Objective function
  Generate initial population of plurality host nests according to (6)
  Setting the Max Generation, and find the best modules, angles and fmin.
  While ( Max Generation) or (stop criterion)
   Keep the best module, angle for the SAN
   Get a new module and angle randomly by Lévy flight according to (7) and (8)
   Plurality nest be transformed into real nest according to (9)
   Evaluate its quality/fitness
   Choose a nest among (say, ) randomly
   If ( ),
    Replace by the new solution;
   A fraction ( ) of worse modules, angles are abandoned and new ones are built;
   Compare rand with , obtain a new module and angle.
   Evaluate its quality/fitness , and keep the best nest, module and angle
   Rank the solutions and find the current best nest, module and angle.
  End while
  Post process results and visualization