Research Article

Application of Three-Dimensional Imaging to the Intestinal Crypt Organoids and Biopsied Intestinal Tissues

Figure 6

C-kit staining of interstitial cells of Cajal in the donor and recipient intestinal tissues from a MMIHS patient that received intestinal transplantation. ((a) and (b)) Propidium iodide and C-kit staining in the donor (a) and recipient (b) intestinal tissues. ((c) and (d)) C-kit staining in the donor (c) and recipient (d) intestinal tissues. ((e) and (f)) C-kit staining in the donor (e) and recipient (f) intestinal tissues, 15 degree-oblique images of ((c) and (d)). ((g) and (h)) C-kit immunohistochemical studies of the intestinal tissues reconstituted from fluorescence staining. ((g), donor; (h), recipient, 100x). CM: circular muscle layer; MP: myenteric plexus; LM: longitudinal muscle layer. Bar: 100 μm.