Research Article

Anticonvulsant Effect of Diazoxide against Dichlorvos-Induced Seizures in Mice

Table 1

Effect of different doses of Diazoxide (mg/kg) on the various stages of seizures induced by Dichlorvos injection in mic (data are shown as percentage of mice, ). Stage 0: no abnormal behavior; Stage 1: excessive salivation, chewing, and pawing of whiskers and mouth; Stage 2: dazed appearance, intermittent motionlessness, tremor, and/or bobbing of the head; Stage 3: like Stage 2, with random and/or generalized jerks; Stage 4: intermittent rearing on hind legs with forepaws extended (with clonic jerking) without falling; Stage 5: like Stage 4, with falling to the side or rear; Stage 6: status epilepticus.

TreatmentStage of seizures
Stage 0 Stage 1–3 Stage 4–6

Diazoxide 1 + Dichlorvos
Diazoxide 2.5 + Dichlorvos
Diazoxide 5 + Dichlorvos
Diazoxide 10 + Dichlorvos
Diazoxide 20 + Dichlorvos