Research Article

Genetic Diversity and Population Genetics of Mosquitoes (Diptera: Culicidae: Culex spp.) from the Sonoran Desert of North America

Table 2

Summary information of the four microsatellite loci averaged over the seven populations of Culex quinquefasciatus. The number of individuals genotyped ( ), observed and expected heterozygosities ( and ), fragment size range (bp), and number of alleles are shown for each locus.

Locus Size (bp)No. of alleles

CQ16 1010.77228*0.86813210–26017
CQ26 1320.62879*0.68879208–2207
CQ29 1310.30534*0.41628168–1805
CQ41 1330.51128*0.68035136–1548

Significant deviation ( ) from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium (HWE).