Clinical Study

Effects of Wearing Different Personal Equipment on Force Distribution at the Plantar Surface of the Foot

Table 4

Calculated p values from Wilcoxon test after pairwise comparison of changes in foot contact pressure under static (P stat) and dynamic (P dyn) conditions and maximum contact pressure (P max dyn). Significant results were highlighted with*.

ControlHelmetPlus load-carrying equipmentPlus backpackPlus rifle (in front of the body)
P statP dynP max dynP statP dynP max dynP statP dynP max dynP statP dynP max dynP statP dynP max dyn

HelmetP statp < 0.001*
P dynp = 0.620
P max dynp = 0.610

Plus load-carrying equipmentP statp < 0.001*p = 0.019*
P dynp = 0.001*p = 0.002*
P max dynp = 0.002*p = 0.013*

Plus backpackP statp < 0.001*p< 0.001*p < 0.001*
P dynp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*
P max dynp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p< 0.001*

Plus rifle (in front of the body)P statp < 0.001*p< 0.001*p < 0.001*p = 0.002*
P dynp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p = 0.776
P max dynp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p = 0.006*

Plus rifle (slung over the shoulder)P statp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p = 0.001*p = 0.047*
P dynp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p = 0.011*
P max dynp < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p < 0.001*p = 0.001*