Research Article

Heteropterys cotinifolia: A Neuropharmacological and Phytochemical Approach with Possible Taxonomic Implications

Table 1

Retention times and absorbance values of peaks detected in HcMeOH.

PeakRetention time

17.29 (213, 220, 273)
27.65 (218, 240, 325)
37.96 (218, 242, 325)
48.65 (218, 242, 325)
59.03 (220, 243, 329)
69.41 (210, 255, 355)
Chlorogenic acid
(commercial pure standard)
7.88 (218, 242, 325)
(commercial pure standard)
9.14 (210, 255, 355)

Retention time window <5% was employed to identify each compound.