Research Article

Gap Analysis and Conservation Network for Freshwater Wetlands in Central Yangtze Ecoregion

Table 1

Grading and coding the habitat suitability factors of elevation, slope, and landuse/landcover types. Codes of habitat suitability are composed of elevation, slope, and landuse/landcover and are designed to facilitate grid-based operations in GIS. For example, the code 11125 represents an area of habitat with an elevation code of 11 (i.e., 0–20 m), a slope code of 1 (0–5°), and the landuse/landcover code of 25 (i.e., surface water).

Elevation (m)CodeSlopeCodeLanduse/landcover typeCode

0–20110–51Evergreen needleleaf forest11
20–50125–102Evergreen broadleaf forest12
50–1001310–153Deciduous needleleaf forest13
100–2001415–204Deciduous broadleaf forest14
200–5001520–255Mixed forest15
500–10001625–306Closed shrub16
1000–15001730–357Open shrub17
1500–200018Shrub and meadow18
Urbanized area22
Cropland/natural vegetation mosaic23
Sparsely vegetated area24
Surface water25