Research Article

A High Performance Load Balance Strategy for Real-Time Multicore Systems

Pseudocode 1

Pseudocode of enhanced deadline-driven dynamic voltage and frequency scaling ( VFS).
(1) Initially, setting the power mode of DSP to default level .
(2) Every timer interrupt occur
(3)  If (There is any real-time task.)
(4)   Setting = .
(5)   Setting = .
(6)   if (Deadline missed.)
(7)      Extending deadline of the task that missed deadline for ticks.
(8)      Rising power mode.
(9)    else if (Utilization of DSP for ticks.)
(10)    Rising power mode.
(11)   else if (There is no deadline missed for ticks.)
(12)    Falling power mode.
(13)   else
(14)    Setting the power mode of DSP to default level .
(15)  End If