Research Article

Characterisation of Drosophila UbxCPTI000601 and hthCPTI000378 Protein Trap Lines

Figure 2

Metameric and heterogeneous pattern of Ubx expression in the CNS. (a) Ubx-YFP expression pattern in the Stage 16 embryo as detected with α-GFP in Ubx CPTI000601. Labelling is very prominent in PS6. (b) A magnified view of a part of the embryo shown in (a) demonstrating nuclear staining in metameres with PS8 and 13 highlighted. Both (a) and (b) are ventral views with anterior to the left. (c) Endogenous Ubx expression pattern as revealed by staining the wild type with mouse α-Ubx antibody. ((d)–(d′′)) Double staining of Ubx-YFP and its endogenous gene using α-GFP and α-Ubx antibodies, respectively, in the CNS of Ubx CPTI000601 embryos. The protein trap and overall Ubx labelling have very similar temporal and spatial expression patterns.