Research Article

RNAi-Mediated Knockdown of IKK1 in Transgenic Mice Using a Transgenic Construct Containing the Human H1 Promoter

Figure 4

Reduced IKK1 mRNA expression in some H1-IKK1-siRNA transgenic mice. (a) IKK1 qRT-PCR analysis in back skin. Each value is presented as a percentage against the media obtained for wild-type mice. Diamonds indicate the values obtained for Wt mice and triangles those obtained for Tg mice. Grey triangles represent Tg mice with diminished (65% or below) IKK1 expression level. The number of mice analysed belonging to each category is indicated. ((b), (c)) Similar analysis as in (a), but for brain and liver, respectively. (d) Bar chart of the expression level of those L1 mice with diminished IKK1 expression level.