Research Article

Vocal Emotion of Humanoid Robots: A Study from Brain Mechanism

Table 1

Hemodynamics activation during identification of emotions and vowels.

Emotions versus baselineVowels versus baselineEmotions versus vowelsVowels versus emotions

SMA/ACC (BA 6, 24, 32)9.28 3, 9, 57 11.97 3, 9, 51
DLFC (BA 9, 44–46)Left9.52 −48, 9, 30 15, 14 −54, 6, 30 7.18 −54, 6, 33
Right16.89 51, 33, 15 12.42 42, 0, 33
OBFC (BA 47)Left7.67 −45, 30, −12
Right7.33 48, 36, −18 8.63 48, 33, −15
Rolandic area (BA 3/4/6)Left12.08 −45, −9, 18 10.11 −57, 0, 21
Right13.29 45, 3, 24 10.16 57, 3, 18 10.16 −48, −39, 54
IPL (BA 7, 40)Left14.15 −21, −63, 48 10.57 27, −66, 39
Right9.89 39, −51, 48 15.99 27, −54, 57
STG (BA 22, 41, 42)Left8.96 −60, −45, 9 8.10 −60, −30, 9
Right12.32 48, −45, 6 8.18 51, −42, 6 8.69 48, −42, 3
MTG (BA 21)Left11.18 −36, −3, −15 8.17 −39, −9, −18
Right16.18 45, 15, −30 11.68 54, 3, −15
ThalamusLeft11.44 −6, −27, −3 12.13 −6, −24, −3
Right15.75 6, −21, 0 12.89 9, −21, 6
CerebellumLeft13.56 −30, −60, −27 7.98 −33, −54, −33
Right10.86 42, −63, −33 9.18 48, −66, −33
Vermis14.73 −6, −72, −30 10.42 −3, −72, −24