Research Article

AP-IO: Asynchronous Pipeline I/O for Hiding Periodic Output Cost in CFD Simulation

Algorithm 1

A heuristic algorithm for the scheduling of fields' calculation segments in a single timestep.
INPUT: the origin order set of calculation segments in a time step , which includes
  calculation segments; the matrix of dependence relationship between calculation segments ;
OUTPUT: the new order set of calculation segments in a time step ;
(1) procedure SCHEDULING( ) // calculation segments scheduling procedure
(3)   while     do
(4)      ;
(5)     for each   do
(6)        if ( ) then // indicates
 the field number which belongs to
(7)          exchange with ;
(8)        end if
(9)        if ( ) then
(10)          exchange with ;
(11)        end if
(12)     end for
(13)     if ( ) then
(14)       break;
(15)     end if
(16)   end while
(17) end procedure