Research Article

Novel Image Encryption Scheme Based on Chebyshev Polynomial and Duffing Map

Table 1

NIST statistical test suite results for sequences of size 106-bit each generated by the proposed Chebyshev polynomial based pseudorandom bit generator and Duffing map based pseudorandom bit generator.

NIST statistical test Chebyshev PRBG Duffing PRBG
-value Pass rate -valuePass rate

Frequency (monobit) 0.649612 990/1000 0.490483 989/1000
Block-frequency 0.455937 991/1000 0.777265 992/1000
Cumulative sums (forward) 0.877083 990/1000 0.660012 988/1000
Cumulative sums (reverse) 0.983938 992/1000 0.284024 987/1000
Runs 0.062427 995/1000 0.490983 993/1000
Longest run of ones 0.215574 993/1000 0.612147 992/1000
Rank 0.848027 991/1000 0.212184 988/1000
FFT 0.194813 993/1000 0.013474 993/1000
Nonoverlapping templates 0.504571 990/1000 0.458442 990/1000
Overlapping templates 0.219006 992/1000 0.279844 988/1000
Universal 0.660012 986/1000 0.278461 991/1000
Approximate entropy 0.000478 990/1000 0.363593 991/1000
Random excursions 0.508738 597/603 0.671829 612/618
Random excursions variant 0.614825 596/603 0.490932 612/618
Serial 1 0.585209 991/1000 0.779188 990/1000
Serial 2 0.767582 989/1000 0.713641 993/1000
Linear complexity 0.711601 986/1000 0.699313 991/1000