Research Article

Parallelized Dilate Algorithm for Remote Sensing Image

Algorithm 1

Input: (Remote Sensing image), size (the number of processes),
  window (the windows size of dilate algoritm)
Output: A array of Plines objects
PLines object pall = read all the data of ;
= rows of ;
rown = floor ( /size);
PLines  array = new Plines size ;
for to size − 1 loop
  array .DataStartPosition =  * rown;
 array .DataEndPosition = ( ) * rown;
 array .UpperBuffer = window/2;
 array .BottomBuffer = window/2;
 if then array .UpperBuffer == 0; end if;
  if == size − 1 then
   array .BottomBuffer = 0;
   array .BottomBuffer =  * rown
end loop
return array;