Research Article

Medical Image Visual Appearance Improvement Using Bihistogram Bezier Curve Contrast Enhancement: Data from the Osteoarthritis Initiative

Figure 1

Flow of BBCCE computation using knee MR image. (a) Original MR image. (b) Upper diagram shows histogram of original MR image where black arrow indicates dominant background intensities and lower diagrams show the decomposition of histogram into lower and upper subhistograms in BBCCE. (c) Cumulative density function of original MR image where black arrows indicate large intensity distortion which contributes to sudden jump issue. (d) Intensity discrepency curve duduced from cumulative density function where upward and downward red arrows indicate global maximum and global minimum in lower histogram while upward black arrow indicates global maximum in upper histogram. Leftward black arrow defines the boundary for global extremum in intensity discrepency curve. (e) Bezier transform curve generated using control points duduced from intensity discrepency curve. (f) BBCCE enhanced MR image.