Research Article

Comprehensive Aspectual UML Approach to Support AspectJ

Table 12

Mapping of the features, questions, and hypotheses.


The proposed Aspectual approach is a comprehensive framework because it supports all UML structural and behavioural diagrams. Is the proposed approach more comprehensive than the other AO approaches?H1: The proposed approach is more comprehensive than the other AO UML modelling approaches.

The proposed Aspectual approach is implemented to support AspectJ’s detailed constructs.Does the proposed approach provide a better means of representing Aspects based on AspectJ than the other AO approaches?H2: The proposed approach provides a better means of representing Aspects based on AspectJ than the other AO approaches.

The proposed Aspectual approach helps in increasing the consistency between software development stages.Does the proposed approach help in increasing the consistency between software development stages compared to the other AO approaches?H3: The proposed approach helps in increasing the consistency between software development stages compared to the other AO approaches.

The proposed approach provides Aspectual UML modelling steps.Does the proposed approach provide a better means of modelling Aspects through the use of the proposed Aspectual UML modelling steps?H4: The proposed approach provides a better means of modelling Aspects through the use of the proposed Aspectual UML modelling steps.

The proposed approach provides Aspectual UML design modelling notation to support AspectJDoes the proposed approach provide Aspectual UML design modelling notations that offer a better means of capturing and representing crosscutting concerns?H5: The proposed approach provides Aspectual UML design modelling notations that offer a better means of capturing and representing crosscutting concerns.

The proposed Aspectual UML approach provides Aspectual semantic rules to control the structure of the model.Does the proposed approach provide Aspectual semantic rules that offer a better means of representing the semantics of the crosscutting concerns compared to the other AO approaches?H6: The proposed approach provides Aspectual semantic rules that offer a better means of representing the semantics of the crosscutting concerns compared to the other AO approaches.