Research Article

RRHGE: A Novel Approach to Classify the Estrogen Receptor Based Breast Cancer Subtypes

Figure 4

Kaplan-Meier survival graphs for ER+ and ER− patient groups in the Desmedt dataset, using the RRHGE gene signature (similar results achieved for van de Vijver dataset (data not shown)). A log-rank test was performed to evaluate the value, which signifies that the lower the value is, the better the separation between the two prognosis groups is. (a) Incorporating the DMFS rate to distinguish between ER+ or good prognosis groups (lower risk of distant metastasis) and ER− or poor prognosis groups (higher risk of distant metastasis). (b) Incorporating the OS rate that distinguishes ER+ or good prognosis groups (lower risk of death) and ER− or poor prognosis groups (higher risk of death). Both survival analysis graphs show good separation between the two prognosis groups, respectively.
(a) Distant metastasis free survival
(b) Overall survival