Research Article

An Improved Mixture-of-Gaussians Background Model with Frame Difference and Blob Tracking in Video Stream

Algorithm 1

Pseudocode for sole blob extraction.
Initialization: the first white pixel , as the point of image data.
(1)  leftmost  =   ;
while   <  width  of image and
       foreground or   foreground)
add 1
end while
 rightmost  = ;
(2) flag  =  1;  //searching line by line from leftmost to rightmost  //until no white pixel exists
while   <  height and flag  =  1
flag  =  0;
for from leftmost to rightmost
if   width of image and
         foreground or
flag  =  1;
        end if
end for
m  =  leftmost;
while and   foreground or
 Flag  =  1;
          minus 1;
end while
update leftmost position
m  =  rightmost;
while   <  width of image and
          foreground or
         flag  =  1;
          add 1;
end while
update rightmost position
if new rightmost > rightmost  +  2
search upward line by line until no white
          pixel exist;
if new leftmost  <  leftmost    2
search upward by line until no white pixel exist;
add 1
end while