Research Article

An Integrative Behavioral Model of Information Security Policy Compliance

Table 1

Definition of variables.

VariablesDefinitionItemsRelated research

Intentions of complianceThe degree of intentions which protects the information and resources of the organization from potential threats by the compliance of information security policyIN1~3Bulgurcu et al. [3]

Normative beliefThe degree of perceptive social pressure of neighbors such as the supervisor, colleague, and manager when they comply with the policyNB1~3Bulgurcu et al. [3]

NeutralizationThe degree of logic which nullifies the existing norm of society that is related to the compliance of information security policy by justifying the violation of the norm. Sykes and Matza [14]
Siponen and Vance [12]
S. J. Lee and M. J. Lee [16]
Neutralization theory
 Denial of responsibilityThe degree that the violator denies responsibility of the compliance violation of the information security policyDR1~3
 Denial of injuryThe degree that what they did was the best way to minimize the injury of the compliance violation of the information security policy.DI1~3
 Appeal to higher loyaltiesThe degree that they believe there was no other way to protect their groups except through the compliance violation of the information security policy.AL1~3
 Condemnation of condemnersThe degree that the violators condemn the condemners to neutralize the compliance violation of the information security policy.CC1~3
 Metaphor of the ledgerThe degree of belief that the compliance violation of information security policy would be accepted because of the many good deeds that they have done in the past.ML1~3
 Defense of necessityThe degree that there is no need to feel guilty for the compliance violation of the information security policy because the violation was unavoidable.DN1~3
 Defense of ubiquityThe degree that the violators justify the compliance violation of the information security policy by insisting that almost everybody violates policies.DU1

AttitudeThe degree to which compliance of information security policy affects the evaluation positively AT1~4Bulgurcu et al. [3]

Benefit of compliance The degree of the perception of benefit by the members of the organization towards information security policy complianceBE1~4Bulgurcu et al. [3]

Cost of complianceThe degree of the perception of cost by the members of the organization towards information security policy complianceCO1~3Bulgurcu et al. [3]

Cost of noncomplianceThe degree of the perception of cost by the members of the organization towards information security policy noncomplianceNC1~4Bulgurcu et al. [3]

Self-efficacyThe degree of the individual’s confidence that they have enough techniques, knowledge, and ability on the information security policySE1~3Bulgurcu et al. [3]

Response efficacyThe degree of belief that the information security policy can handle the threats efficientlyRE1~3Johnston and Warkentin [23]