Research Article

Quantum Neural Network Based Machine Translator for Hindi to English

Table 1

Numeric codes for parts of speech.

Parts of speech (subclass)Numeric code

Prenoun (PN).100
Noun-infinitive (Ni).101
Pronoun (PRO).102
Gerund (GER).103
Relative pronoun (RPRO).104
Postnoun (POSTN).105
Verb (V).110
Helping verb (HV).111
Adverb (ADV).112
Auxiliary verb (AUX).113
Interrogative (question word) (INT).120
Demonstrative words (DEM).121
Quantifier (QUAN).122
Article (A).123
Adjective (ADJ).130
Adjective-particle (ADJP).131
Number (N).132
Preposition (PRE).140
Postposition (POST).141
Punctuation (PUNC).150
Conjunction (CONJ).160
Interjection (INTER).170
Negative word (NE).180
Determiner (D).190
Idiom (I).200
Phrases (P).210
Unknown words (UW).220