Research Article

Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Animals: Incidence, Economics, and Predisposing Factors

Table 2

Number of mastitis incidences over season, stage of lactation, and species of animals.

SeasonAffected animalsStage of lactationAffected animalsSpeciesAffected animals

92 (4.68)<30 days63 (3.20)Crossbred cows172 (9.88)
52 (2.64)30–90 days86 (4.37)Indigenous cow*
43 (2.19)>90 days38 (1.93)Buffaloes15 (6.66)

No indigenous cow was reported in the sample having mastitis.
Figures in parenthesis indicate rate of incidence with respect to total population of dairy animals with the sample farms.