Research Article

Subclinical Mastitis in Dairy Animals: Incidence, Economics, and Predisposing Factors

Table 3

Components of losses (in INR) due to mastitis in farm animals.

Type of lossesCrossbred cowsBuffaloesOverall

(A) Production loss700.18 (43.95)363.75 (40.75)674.74 (48.53)
(i) Milk yield loss503.04 (31.58)273.75 (30.67)485.69 (34.93)
(ii) Loss from discarded milk197.14 (12.37)90.00 (10.08)189.05 (13.60)
(B) Veterinary expenses582.15 (36.54)356.67 (39.97)508.52 (36.57)
(i) Medicine505.36 (31.72)290.00 (32.50)432.50 (31.10)
(ii) Services76.79 (4.82)66.67 (7.47)76.02 (05.47)
(C) Sanitation66.07 (3.45)53.67 (6.01)65.09 (4.68)
(i) Stall hygiene47.68 (2.30)37.50 (4.20)46.87 (03.37)
(ii) Milk hygiene18.39 (1.15)16.17 (1.81)18.22 (01.31)
(D) Miscellaneous144.47 (9.06)118.33 (13.26)142.11 (10.22)
(i) Additional labour98.93 (6.21)78.33 (8.78)96.99 (6.98)
(ii) Equipment and so forth45.54 (2.85)40.00 (4.48)45.12 (3.24)

Total1592.87 (100.00)892.42 (100.00)1390.46 (100.00)

Figures in parentheses indicate percentage of total loss.