Research Article

Efficient Parallel Implementation of Active Appearance Model Fitting Algorithm on GPU

Algorithm 4

GPU-based method for calculating .
// : the ID of pixel.
// : the number of threads in grid.
// np: the number of pixels.
// VID: gets the IDs of three vertices of the triangle
// that the given pixel belongs to.
// S: the shape vector.
// α, , : the transformation parameters.
// BI: conducts a bilinear interpolation.
// img: the intensity matrix of the image.
( ) i   blockId * gridDim + threadId;
( ) N   gridDim * blockDim;
( ) while  i < np
( )     (v1, v2, v3)     VID(i).
( )  ;
( )  ;
( )  ;
( )  ;
( ) end  while