Research Article

Analysis of Phenolic Acids of Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.) Responding to Salt-Stress by Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry

Table 2

Concentration of total phenolics and phenolic compounds in H. tuberosus leaves (cv. NanYu).

Phenolic compoundsConcentrationa (mg/g dry weight)

Caffeoylquinic acid (peak 2)b0.063 ± 0.008d
3-o-Caffeoylquinic acid7.752 ± 2.872b
Caffeoylquinic acid (peak 4)b0.538 ± 0.081d
Caffeic acid0.098 ± 0.052d
p-Coumaroyl-quinic acid0.153 ± 0.061d
Feruloylquinic acid0.527 ± 0.199d
3,4-Dicaffeoylquinic acid0.618 ± 0.215d
3,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid4.900 ± 1.492c
Caffeoyl glucopyranosec0.001 ± 0.319d
1,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid1.733 ± 0.567d
Isorhamnetin glucosided0.348 ± 0.057d
4,5-Dicaffeoylquinic acid5.633 ± 2.990bc
Kaempferol glucuronided0.186 ± 0.034d
Kaempferol-3-o-glucosided1.020 ± 0.379d
Total phenolicse23.570
Total phenolicsf30.159 ± 4.410a

Values are expressed as mean ± SD of triplicate measurements; the means in a column followed by the same letters represent values that are not significantly different according to Duncan’s test ( ); bquantified as 3-o-caffeoylquinic acid; cquantified as caffeic acid; dquantified as glucoside; esum of the individual phenolic compounds; and fquantified as gallic acid equivalents.