Research Article

Nonexposure Accurate Location -Anonymity Algorithm in LBS

Algorithm 2

Random ASR.
)  function random ASR ( , , IDnow( ))
( )   int random = new Random ( ); //new an integer and set its value randomly from 1 to 10.
( )  // “line 3 to line 11” are the same to “line 2 to line 10” in the Algorithm 1.
( ) if (random > rnd )   //rnd is integer which is set by the system.
( )  Adds the grid-area which has the highest QoS into until the total users in is not less than ;
( )  // the QoS of the grid-area can be calculated by Formula (3).
( )  break;
( )   //end if
( ) else  
( )   Adds the grid-area into by randomly until the total users in is not less than ;
( )     break;
( )       //end else
( )   // “line 21 to line 25” are the same to “line 14 to line 18” in the Algorithm 1.
( )      if (random > rnd ) {
( )     adds the grid-area which has the highest QoS into until the total square measure of
( )     is not less than ; // the QoS of the grid-area can be calculated by Formula (2).
( )     break;
( )    //end if
( )   else  
( )     Adds the grid-area into by randomly until the total square measure of is not less than ;
( )     break;
( )      //end else
( )  // “line 35 to line 38” are the same to “line 21 to line 24” in the Algorithm 1.