Research Article

Primary Carcinoma of the Fallopian Tube: A Review of a Single Institution Experience of 8 Cases

Table 1

Details of women characteristics.

Case numberAge ParityMenopausal/past/family Presenting comp.Preop
CA-125 U/m
Surgical proc/FSHPR/stage Adj.CTFollowup

158P0L0PM/breast ca/—Pain abd. watery vaginal dischargeUSG-N15.5TAH + BSO + TO + RPLND + PC/yesHigh grade (G3) serous adeno ca./IB (both tubes) 6 C28 M
240P1L1REG/—/—Pain abd. watery vaginal dischargeCT-ovarian cyst
08.38TAH + BSO + TO + RPLND + PC/yesPoorly (G3) diff.adeno ca/IC/PC+6 C28 M
347P2L2REG/—/—Pain abd.CT-adnexal mass-tubular shape  cms. Torsion+16.1TAH + BSO + TO + RPLND + PC/yesMod. diff. (G2) papillary.adeno ca./IC/PC+6 C41 M
442P3L2REG/—/—Pain abd.vaginal dischargeUSG-ovarian cyst-  cms, ? torsion60TAH + BSO + TO + RPLND + PC/yesPoorly diff. (G3) adeno ca/IIA/ext. Ut.6 C156 M Alive
556P2L2PM/—/—Pain and distension abd.USG-adv. ovarian ca.>400TAH + BSO + TD + TO + PLND + appendicectomy + RS-RA PC/NO/OCSHigh grade (G3) serous adeno carcinoma/IIIC/pelvic nodes+6 T + CPFS-20 M and died at 28 M
668P4L4PM/—/brother colonic caPain and mass abd.USG: adv. ovarian ca.  
986TAH + BSO + TD + TO + PLND + pelvic peritonectomy + PC/NO (SODS)Poorly diff. (G3) adeno carcinoma/IIIC/both nodes+6 T + CPFS-15 M
Died at 22 M
755P0L0PM/—Pain and mass abd.USG: adv. ovarian ca.
584TAH + BSO + TD + TO + PLND + DS/NO/OCSPoorly diff. (G3) adeno ca./IIIA/ micrometastasis to the omentum6 T + CPFS-18 M
Died at 22 M
859P4L4PM/—Pain and mass abd.USG: adv. ovarian ca.
988TAH + BSO + TD + TO + RPLND + DS/NO/OCSHigh grade (G3) serous adeno carcinoma/IIB6 T + CPFS- 21 M
Died at 36 M

P: parity; L: living children; his.: history; PM: postmenopausal; comp.: complaints; USG: abdominopelvic ultra sound; Adj. CT: adjuvant chemotherapy; Adv.: advanced; ca.: carcinoma; TAH: total abdominal hysterectomy; BS0: bilateral salphingooophorectomy; RPLND: retroperitoneal pelvic lymph node dissection (pelvic + para-aortic); PLND: pelvic lymphadenectomy; TD: tumour debulking; TO: total omentectomy; DS: diaphragmatic stripping; RS-RA: rectosigmoid resection and anastomosis; Proc.: procedure; T + C: taxol + carboplatin; C: carboplatin; PFS: progression-free survival; M: months; FS: frozen section; HPR: histopathology report; abd.: abdominal; G: grade; Ut.: uterus.; SODS: suboptimal debulking surgery; OCS: optima cytoreductive surgery.