Research Article

Translating Building Information Modeling to Building Energy Modeling Using Model View Definition

Table 1

Classes and parameters adapted from LBNL Modelica Buildings library [9].

ClassesObject properties

MixedAir models a room with completely mixed air for heat transfer through a building envelop.
The room consists of any number of construction types and surfaces for heat exchange through convection, conduction, and infrared radiation and solar radiation.
MediumThe medium information of a room air such as gas, most air, and dry air.
aFloThe floor area attached to a room.
hRooThe roof area attached to a room.
datConExtOpaque surfaces.
nConExtNumber of datConExt.
datConExtWinOpaque surfaces with windows.
nConExtWinNumber of datConExtWin.
datConParInterior partitions in a thermal zone.
nConParNumber of datConPar.
datConBouOpaque surfaces on interior walls between thermal zones.
nConBouNumber of datConBou.
surBouOpaque surfaces on the same interior walls between thermal zones.
nSurBouNumber of SurBou.
nPortsNumber of ports that constructs equations to simulate physical processes.
LatitudeLatitude information of a room.
energyDynamicsThe information of fluid types in networks of vessels, pipes, fluid machines, vales, and fittings.
linearizeRadiationA setting value whether to linearize emissive power or not.

Opaque constructions describe material definitions for constructions with one or more layers of material.matLayExtConstruction material for exterior walls.

GlazingSystem describes thermal properties for glazing systems. nLayNumber of glass layers.
haveExteriorShadeA setting value whether a window has an exterior shade or not.
haveInteriorShadeA setting value whether a window has an interior shade or not.
GlassThermophysical properties for window glass.
GasThermophysical properties for window gas fills.
uFra-value of frame.
absIRFraInfrared absorptivity of window frame.
absSolFraSolar absorptivity of window frame.

DoorDiscretizedOpen describes the bidirectional airflow through an open door. MediumThe medium information of the room airflow through an open door.
WidthWidth of opening
HeightHeight of opening