Research Article

Analysis of Flavone C-Glycosides in the Leaves of Clinacanthus nutans (Burm. f.) Lindau by HPTLC and HPLC-UV/DAD

Table 1

Linear range, regression equations, LOD, and LOQ for quantitative analysis of HPLC ().

Compound (min) (nm)Linear range (g/mL)Regression equationaLOD (g/mL)LOQ (g/mL)

Shaftoside22.79271, 33720.0–2000.20.6
Orientin25.58255, 3490.8–1000.40.8
Isovitexin27.16269, 3370.8–1000.40.8
Vitexin28.61268, 3370.8–1000.40.8

, where is concentration in g/mL and is area under curve at UV 330 nm wavelength.