Research Article

Quality of Protection Evaluation of Security Mechanisms

Table 3

The parameters and variables for the security attributes evaluation algorithm.

SET Make a choice indication
EXCLUDE Excluding from the ER indication
READ Reading indication
CONTINUE Processing statement will be skipped
The reasoning function based on a set of facts and order of facts for the security attribute and rules (inference mechanisms)
Orders between facts referred to a security attribute
A case expressed by a set of facts
A set of facts obtained from the inference mechanism
A full description of a case for a security attribute
A set of rules
Indicates the current evaluation rule
The evaluation of th security attribute
A set of evaluation rules with satisfied conditions for the security attribute
The number of rules with satisfied conditions for the security attribute
The evaluation rule for the security attribute
The index of the current security attribute
The quantity of security attributes
The value of the security influence of the security mechanisms represented by the evaluation rule for the security attribute