Research Article

A Novel Adaptive Cuckoo Search for Optimal Query Plan Generation

Algorithm 2

Input: A collection of RDF files containing subject, predicate and objects
     RDF query
     Number of Generations
Output: Optimal query plan
Step  1. Randomly generate initial population of query plans.
Step  2. Evaluate the cost of each plan based on the cardinality as given in the cost model.
Step  3. Sort the query plans based on fitness value and find the median of fitesses. Let be the median (threshold) value.
      Based on value of set the value of
Step  4. Select a random egg from sorted population using levy flight.
Step  5. Compare the cost of with and replace with if cost() < cost().
Step  5. Abandon a fraction of worst query plans based on the value of .
Step  6. Keep the best query plans.
Step  7. Rank the current solutions and find the current best. Rank the fittest solution as the best and the less fit solution
      as the worst.
Step  8. Pass the best query plans to next generation.